The Hackathon will run from June 20th (Friday) to June 22nd (Sunday).
Here is what you need to know:
for students
Friday: Form/finalise teams and learn about tech tools available during the hackathon
We recommend teams of max. 4 students, with min. 1 lawyer and min. 1 engineer. At least one team member must be available for the incubation period (June 23-25) and able to pitch in London on June 26/27 if you rank among the top 3 winning teams.
Saturday: Learn about problem statements, select one, and spend the day hacking!
Sunday: Pitch your solution through two rounds of judging. Win prizes!
Monday-Wednesday: If your team finishes in the top 3, enhance your solution with a professional product manager and designer.
Thursday/Friday: Pitch your enhanced solution at the LegalTechTalk Conference in London (4,000+ attendees!).
for entrepreneurs
Saturday: Pitching your solution and compete for prizes.
Sunday: Winners’ announcements and awards ceremony.
Saturday: Attend the talks and see how hacking/pitching looks like!